Dec 9, 2014
Who Are You?By Abby (Kleckler) McGarry

Opening up your inbox, I am positive that the person in the picture on the left is not who you expected to see. Your initial questions are probably: Where’s Pete? And who is this new girl?

Pete has decided to take a position outside of magazine publishing, and I was recently named managing editor of Lawn & Garden Retailer.

I realize that I have big shoes to fill (size 13 I believe), but I am excited for the opportunity. I am not a completely fresh face to the industry, having been the associate editor of L&GR and sister publication GPN since early 2013.

With any new editor comes change, but I can promise that the mission of L&GR and established by Pete and Editorial Director Tim Hodson will remain the same.

I may have met some of you at OFA Short Course 2013 and Cultivate’14, but thankfully that was just the beginning. I want to get to know you and your garden center. Send me a message at [email protected] … I can’t wait to hear from you!



Abby (Kleckler) McGarry

Abby (Kleckler) McGarry is the managing editor of Lawn & Garden Retailer. Contact her at [email protected].