
It’s the Time of the Season

Summertime in this industry is one of my favorite times of year because it is garden center tour time. This year, the American Nursery and Landscape Association (ANLA) and Garden Centers of America (GCA) once... more »

The Impact Of Display Structures On Consumer Purchasing Behavior

You want consumers in your store. A new study on how consumers make their gardening purchases from display structures might help you find new ways to increase sales. Over the past five years, Florida retail... more »

New Aspects Of Traditional Tools

Have you noticed the changes in designs for garden tools? Improvements in design and engineering aren't only for clothes, computers and hybrid cars. The past decade has brought an avalanche of improvements for common household... more »

Time-Out for Everyone

It's widely acknowledged that holiday shopping can be endless. Not only do you need to buy gifts for family and friends, holiday decorations also have grown to be nearly essential. It can be hard to... more »

The Inside Scoop

More and more people regard birdhouses and feeders as garden accessories (or gardens as bird accessories). This is why an ever-growing number of savvy retailers are devoting valuable floor space to bird-related products: They know... more »

Here’s To Greater Profits In 2008

Life shouldn't be lived with the "I coulda, I shoulda, I woulda" attitude, and those who don't learn from mistakes are prone to repeat them. As your season winds down, hopefully you're counting your cash... more »

Merchandiser Of The Year Finalist – Village Green Home & Garden

When I walked into Village Green Home & Garden, Rockford, Ill., for the first time last November, I was amazed. The store was beautifully decorated with many inventive displays, wonderful design ideas and great color... more »

April Showers Really Do Bring May Flowers

Spring: a time when birds return home, gardens start to grow and your stress level rises. However, from the reports I have received, it seems that spring went pretty well for many garden center retailers.... more »

Cabin Fever

As summer comes to a close and the kids head back to school, families are reflecting on the fun times they had over the summer. Family vacations, camp, picnics, etc. are still on everyone's mind... more »

The Potential Of A New Season

Can you believe it is August? I certainly can't. Kids are going back to school, all of the teachers you hired over the summer are leaving and it is time for a nice vacation for... more »

Finding Inspiration

Lori, 50Fargo, N.D. "Well, let's look at the garden. I see three types of tomatoes, sweet green peppers, three types of basil, flat parsley and eggplant. Needless to say, Italian cooking inspires my garden. Fresh... more »

Pohmer On…Clairvoyant Or Close Minded…A Subtle Difference

I just attended the Super Floral Show in Columbus, Ohio, an event that focuses on the mass market (namely supermarket) channel but with increasing interest from forward-thinking garden centers and florists who want to see... more »