Mar 27, 2013
Generation Do-It-YourselfBy pmihalek

Before our 600 square foot apartment in Chicago, my wife Sara and I rented a place in Cleveland, Ohio. It was double the size for half the price and included a backyard. We had a garden crowded with cosmos, petunias and zinnias from Gale’s Westlake. We lined the fence leading up to the garage with six tomato plants. We were proud of our little yard.

But Sara wasn’t done. When I arrived home from work one hot summer evening, I noticed a new addition to our green space. A wooden plant stand that resembled steps you might see leading up to a front porch. Annuals and herbs were potted up in a variety of random containers and placed just so on each step.

Sara met me outside and asked, “See what I made?” She went to Home Depot, bought some lumber, had a sales associate cut it for her, and then she came home and nailed the wooden puzzle pieces together. Paint me, or should I say, hammer me impressed. Don’t get me wrong, she’s artsy and creative, but I never expected her to drag out the tool box and take on a project this size. My little Do-It-Yourselfer.

What about your customers — are you seeing more and more Do-It-Yourselfers? Are your educational opportunities catering to this hands-on demographic? I’d love to hear what unique projects you’re sharing with your customers. Fill me in. Need some ideas? Here are 35 to get started.
