Apr 22, 2019
Earth Month & PollinatorsBy Abby (Kleckler) McGarry

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter this weekend and an equally outdoor-filled Earth Day yesterday. The main campaign of Earth Day 2019 — according to Earth Day Network — was to “Protect Our Species,” and the work doesn’t stop after the day is over.

The species include giraffes, coral reefs, whales, elephants, insects and many more. Most notable for our industry is that the list includes bees! We all know how important bees are — and how important the plants we sell are — with more than 332,000 flowering plant species dependent on pollination.

I know it’s a busy time of the year, but maybe you should start planning your events for National Pollinator Week, June 17 to 23. McDonald Garden Center in Virginia piloted an event for that week last year with a walk-through butterfly tent, a Honeybee Hive Observation Station and much more, and they said the event was very popular. Let’s get creating to help the bees!

New Opportunities

Spring is a time for new beginnings, especially in this industry. Seven years ago I struggled to remember the difference between an annual and perennial, and now I am the go-to plant person among friends and family.

It’s bittersweet for me to say that I am leaving the horticulture industry in the coming weeks to pursue a new opportunity in publishing. I will truly miss working closely with independent garden centers, as you are the nicest people around.

I appreciate all you have done for me, I look forward to new challenges, and I know I won’t be able to stay away from your stores when I travel!

Rest assured, you’ll hear from me in the May and June issues of the magazines, and I know the Lawn & Garden Retailer team will continue to provide you with the information and inspiration you expect from us.

Don’t hesitate to reach out, and for the last time in your inbox …



Abby (Kleckler) McGarry

Abby (Kleckler) McGarry is the managing editor of Lawn & Garden Retailer. Contact her at [email protected].