Dothan Nurseries, Dothan, Alabama
Year founded:
1988; JD Boone took over as owner in 2005.
What is your garden center known for?
We are known to provide an experience. It’s not just plants; it’s nice, fun people and a nice, fun environment.
How do you stand out from the big boxes?
We focus on the experience, not just the plants.
How do you ensure teamwork among employees?
Boone said he tries to keep everyone involved in everything, from pricing to displays to advertising. His door is always open to new and crazy ideas — the crazier, the better.
What are your best practices for managing staff?
I work for my staff, Boone said. Without them, Dothan Nurseries wouldn’t be here. He said he doesn’t treat them like an employee, but rather like a friend and fellow human being. “I give grace when needed, but truth as well.”
How is your store involved in your local community?
We have not been as involved as we should be, but this year we started a pot recycling program. A guest can bring in an old pot and get $5 off a new pot. We sell those pots at the end of the year and donate the money to charity. This year’s charity is Time Youth Dothan.