Green Goods
Gardens do not change frequently because most gardeners do not get new ideas very often. They're used to their flowers in spring, fruits in summer and foliage in fall. Then the garden goes to sleep...
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Heating, cooling and fuel costs three phrases we have been hearing a lot lately, phrases that have brought many people to the point of panic. Manufacturers are scrambling to find less-expensive fuels, cost-efficient coolants...
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There's been a lot of talk lately about the popularity of pots but without enough recognition of the variety of people driving this trend. Many of them have little or no property, but what they...
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The market for herbs continues to grow. We've been growing herbs commercially at Peace Tree Farm, Kintnersville, Pa., for more than 20 years. It's a story I never grow tired of telling. I'm the heart...
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Being selected the best plant in a given category is no small accomplishment. Each group that bestows awards from All-American Selections to the American Ivy Society has its own set of criteria to...
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Even though the California Pack Trials were shortened from two weeks to 10 days, there are more plants to see, people to greet, questions to ask and snacks to eat than you can possibly do....
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In the American Midwest, Northeast and areas with similar climates, the great majority of tulip, daffodil, crocus and hyacinth bulbs fill the months of April and May with glorious color and sweetness after our long,...
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Trial gardens are located in every state and many counties and re-main one of the most underused tools of our industry, mostly because of their passive nature. These wells of information come and go, and...
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For most garden centers, green goods is the largest single department. It stocks the most products and takes up the most square footage. But what about profit? How do green goods compare to other departments...
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Within the last 10 years, the interest in using native plants for landscape purposes has increased tremendously, and nurseries are struggling to keep up with the demand. Both urban and rural gardeners are gradually discovering...
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"I did not know there were so many different poinsettias," is a very common comment from first-time visitors at the University of Florida Poin-settia Open House. I also hear a lot of, "I thought there...
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If there is a looking glass world of horticulture, it is surely the realm of succulents. You can spend your whole life in the plant business and still know little or nothing about them. And...
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