
May 2009
Keep Them Thinking Green

Did you hear? We're in the middle of a recession. Actually, it turns out we've technically been in it since December 2007. And with this economic downturn, eco-friendly products — which were all the rage... more »

March 2009
Bugs Be Gone

Although separated by thousands of miles, American gardeners and farmers in West Africa have a lot in common. On both continents, growers have to be creative to find ways to outsmart pests in order to... more »

November 2008
The “Three Rs,” Reimagined

When this column began back in January, sustainability was on the front page, front cover and in the lead stories of newspapers, magazines and evening news broadcasts across the country. Early columns explored whether the... more »

Boots on the Ground
Boots on the Ground

Spring is officially over. So, how'd it go? Did those sustainable, eco-friendly products you stocked up on fly off the shelves? If you are like most retailers, garden or otherwise, around the country, the excitement... more »

Selling Nature
Selling Nature

After allowing space for traffic flow, every other square foot of your sales floor is valuable — so it's important to use it wisely. Great numbers of varied merchandise spur sales; customers will slow down... more »

Selling Eco(nomically) Friendly Products
Selling Eco(nomically) Friendly Products

Stocking eco-friendly products can help garden centers attract customers: Organic, nonthreatening products can be a real draw, especially with the chemicals and synthetic products often associated with gardening. "The [green] market is continuing to grow... more »

The Country Slowly Turns Green
The Country Slowly Turns Green

With the mad rush of spring over, you are finally reviewing those sales reports that have piled up on your desk in the past couple of months. As you review which categories and products were... more »

May 2008

My wife and I were recently invited to our son's home for a social gathering that was also attended by a number of his 20-something friends. The conversation was wide ranging and included discussions on... more »

May 2008
Tips for Eco-Friendly Lawn Care

Many homeowners are starting to realize that a chemical-free lawn may be safer for their pets and their kids, can help keep harmful substances out of groundwater, and might even be easier and more affordable... more »

May 2008
Coming Clean — Or Greenwashing?

With all the talk about sustainability and the increased sales of green products, many in our industry are asking, "Why aren't we getting more attention? After all, we are the original green industry!" As consumers... more »

April 2008
Selling Sustainability

The headlines are starting to read like News of the Weird. Coke just announced a partnership with Wal-Mart to sell T-shirts made of plastic bottles. Hotels no longer change your sheets and towels, Banana Republic... more »

April 2008
Eco-Friendly No-Brainers in the Garden Center

Q Everybody is talking about sustainability and being eco-friendly. What can a garden center operator do to help meet the consumer's "green" demands? With so much buzz about the environment in the media, this spring... more »