OFA’s Grow & Sell Conference Has Retailer Appeal
The OFA Grow & Sell for Profit Conference on November 8-9 in Raleigh, N.C., appeals to both growers and retailers seeking an edge to boost their bottom lines.
Here’s a look at some of the conference’s retailer-specific offerings:
Profit Connection is an area where growers and retailers will get one-on-one time with industry experts like Charlie Hall and Bridget Behe to answer questions one may have.
Merchandising principles will be the focus for the garden center tour. Two area retailers, Homewood Nursery & Garden Center and Logan Trading Company, will showcase innovative yet practical merchandising solutions.
Social media experts Heather Claus and Katie Elzer-Peters of The Garden Words will hold “office hours” on Wednesday, November 9 to help attendees better understand how to use social media to boost their bottom line.
Additional garden center sessions include secrets of successful selling, profitable events in the garden center, relational retailing, customer service, and finding your niche.For additional information and to register for OFA’s Grow & Sell For Profit Conference, click here.