Syngenta Flowers Delta Pro Lavender Blue Shades (70119322))

Mar 9, 2023
Syngenta Flowers introduces new pansy series

Syngenta Flowers has announced an upgrade to its pansy varieties with the new Delta Pro series. Delta Pro reportedly offers growers a single solution with this programmable large-flowered pansy series for both spring and autumn sales.

This new lineup reportedly offers the most uniform and fastest finishing times for a single series.

The Delta Pro plant structure has been designed with a vigorous root system, particularly important during summer production, which allows for reliable autumn sales. The plants have robust basal branching, quickly covering containers before putting on color. The  plant body easily supports the large, 3-inch-wide blooms through transportation to the retail bench.

“Precision in production has been the objective for years in the making. Our breeding teams have had laser focus on bringing a completely refreshed lineup of Delta genetics with the tightest flowering window of any large-flowered pansy series. This allows growers to predictably deliver a complete lineup to retail at one time,” says Marianne Sela, head of global seed development, Syngenta Flowers. “Having a single series complete with all core colors and mixes for spring and autumn sales, all with identical production culture, greatly simplifies pansy programs for growers across North America.”

Syngenta Flowers Delta Pro Pansy in the Landscape
Syngenta Flowers’ Delta Pro Pansy in the landscape.

“We’re launching Delta Pro with six designer mixes, but the seamless uniformity across all colors allows landscape clients to mix and match any colors needed for their custom installations with solid confidence for season-long performance,” says Mike Murgiano, global strategic portfolio manager.

Pairing with the improved genetics, growers will benefit from Syngenta’s 40 years of experience producing pansy seed with the industry’s leading germination rates and uniformity.

The Delta Pro pansy line will have its official debut at California Spring Trials in Gilroy, California, as well as other industry shows and trial gardens throughout the year. There are currently 16 individual colors in the Delta Pro assortment, including seven solids, eight blotches and Lavender Blue shades.

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