Begonias: The Perfect Landscape Plant
By now, we all know that begonias are a staple landscape plant. From sun to shade, backyards to commercial plantings, they work. That’s why it’s no surprise the National Garden Bureau named 2016 “Year of the Begonia.”
The landscape market continues to trend upward as home owners look to create inviting outdoor spaces and spruce up curb appeal. And begonias can help achieve both.
Gardeners love begonias for a variety of reasons. Recent introductions offer versatility and tolerance to a range of environments, and they require little maintenance. They’re perfect for the landscape lover’s front yard and even the urban gardener’s mixed combo.
Have you seen growth in the begonia category? Which varieties are flying off your benches? Do you plan to add to your begonia lineup next season? If so, here are some of my favorite recent introductions:
‘Funky Pink’ (Benary)
This novelty basket item from seed is both sun and heat tolerant. Gardeners will love its “shredded” semi-double form and mounding habit.
‘Unbelievable Tweetie Pie’ (Dümmen Orange)
This garden begonia boasts huge flowers with an upright and shippable habit. With its strong branching, ‘Unbelievable Tweetie Pie’ will not snap easily.
Megawatt series (PanAmerican Seed)
A new uniform and programmable series, Megawatt features premium color in landscapes, baskets and large containers from spring through fall. Pink Bronze Leaf is a unique color to this type of begonia.
‘Waterfalls Angel Soft Orange’ (Beekenkamp)
This stunning new begonia was bred for improved branching. It presents large blooms and flowers all summer until first frost.
Topspin series (Syngenta Flowers)
The new Topspin series allows begonias to be grown and sold along with early spring annuals. They are tolerant to cool growing temperatures and have great field performance.
Sprint Plus series (Benary)
This new series is bred for a quick finish and uniformity across all colors. They fill packs nicely and hold extremely well at retail.
What are your favorite begonia introductions? Shoot me an email, and let me know. I’d love to hear from you.