May 22, 2017
J. Frank Schmidt & Sons Hires New Representative

Frank Schmidt & Son Co. of Boring, Oregon, has named Jay Kelly to serve as sales representative for Michigan, Ontario and Quebec. He will succeed Mike Fuhrig, who will retire May 31 after serving JFS customers in the territory since 1984.

Kelly, a graduate of Ferris State University,  is a longtime nursery professional who served an internship at Monrovia Nursery prior to working at Studebaker, Zelenka and J.C. Bakker nurseries. He formed his own company, Jay Kelly Inc. Horticulture Sales, in 2004. In recognition of his longtime dedication, commitment and service to the nursery industry, he was inducted into the Quarter-Century Club of the Michigan Nursery & Landscape Association in 2012.

Jay and his wife, Susan, reside with their children Alyson and Andrew in Gaines, Michigan. Jay enjoys running, photography and spending time with family. He can be reached at [email protected]