Hard Goods

May 8, 2012
Study: Popular Gardening Products May Contain Toxic Chemicals

In a recent study, researchers at the Ecology Center in Ann Arbor, MI, tested nearly 200 gardening necessities - gloves, knee pads, hand tools, and hoses - for heavy metals and chemicals known to pose... more »

December 14, 2011
Organic Mechanics Founder Featured In Entrepreneur Magazine

The December issue of Entrepreneur magazine features Mark Highland, the founder of Organic Mechanics Soil Company, which gives an in-depth look into the company's decision to compete in the specialty soil market with an alternative... more »

July 26, 2011
Napa Home & Garden Files Chapter 11

Napa Home & Garden to sell its core home and garden business to Teters Floral Products.Back on July 5 in Atlanta, Napa Home & Garden filed a chapter 11 bankruptcy case. As part of the... more »