Berger reveals rebranding

Jul 31, 2024
Berger reveals rebranding

Berger recently launched a new brand platform and promise, emphasizing the company’s commitment to growth and development within the industry.

The first announcement was made at a special event at Cultivate’24, where the company’s vice president of sales delivered speeches highlighting Berger’s vision and renewed commitment to the industry.

In conjunction with the new brand philosophy, Berger has introduced its new tagline, “Where life grows.” This intends to encapsulate the company’s philosophy and vision, reflecting its role in nurturing both human and horticultural growth.

“Our new brand promise is more than just a statement; it’s a moral contract with our customers, honored every day through our way of doing things,” said Valérie Berger and Mélissa Berger, Co-CEOs at Berger. “We understand that growth isn’t just about the products we make. It’s about the relationships we build and the support we provide to help our customers achieve their dreams. Your success is our success.”

For more information about Berger, visit

Photo courtesy of Berger.