The University of Florida IFAS Extension

Sep 17, 2024
University of Florida debuts 2 new Greenhouse Training Online courses

The University of Florida IFAS Extension has two courses starting in four weeks: Success with your Latino Workforce and Weed Management.

Success with your Latino Workforce is taught by Claudio Pasian, Ph.D., professor emeritus at the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science at Ohio State University, where he taught for 25 years. This new course will prepare non-Latino supervisors or coworkers of Latino employees to solve issues in the workplace that are the consequence of a mixed culture workforce. Common Spanish terms and phrases for greenhouse and nursery production will be taught. This course is only offered in English. 

Weed Management is taught by Chris Marble, Ph.D., associate professor of ornamental and landscape weed management in the Environmental Horticulture Department at the University of Florida. He focuses on teaching horticulture professionals about the importance of identifying weed species before applying treatments. This course is part of the Plant Health Professional Certificate, and offered in English and Spanish. 

The courses run from Oct. 14 to Nov. 8. Each course costs $275 per participant, with a 20% discount if you register five or more. All course material is completely online and available at any time of the day, and includes pre-recorded videos, an interactive discussion board with Ph.D. professors, and quizzes. Two new modules are activated each week during each course, for a total of eight learning modules. Click here to register and for more information, or email us at [email protected].

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