Soil Separator POS Materials
The Smart Soil Separator is designed to extend the life of plants grown in pots. It’s a complex device that is somewhat hard to explain but that’s where point-of-sale materials can be invaluable. The latest in a series of POS materials for the Smart Soil Separator has been tested at home, at garden shows and at retail stores. The 3-D, cutaway display is an actual full-size pot with a section cut out and the Smart Soil Separator inserted. Now people can see the complete design and how it works. “With this display, the results were amazing. Units sold themselves and in a much greater number,” according to sales teams and retailers. When you have a well-designed, multi-functional product like the Smart Soil Separator, show it off. Use all the tools Nature’s Footprint has created and tested to ensure top sales.
from Nature’s Footprint, Inc.Website • 360.592.4285