Apr 13, 2020
Industry Leaders Provide Coronavirus Messaging for IGCs

The greatest opportunity in the horticulture industry may be upon us in response to COVID-19, to immediately increase awareness of the benefits of plants and to mobilize consumers to be vigilant and prepared to promote and defend our industry to their peers and officials in their localities, counties, and states.

An anonymous group of concerned industry leaders has drafted a letter for distribution to the consumer, to which they are inviting everyone in contact with consumers, especially IGCs to distribute.

It is imperative as well as urgent that our industry mobilize to spread the good news about the benefits of plants now. This effort stands on its own merit; however, this spring in particular, there is pressure upon local and state governments to decide whether our industry is essential and should operate in the best and greater interest of our country. Within the letter are statements that clarify the importance of horticulture in these dire times, as well as a plea to the consumer to act in this belief. 

Time is of the essence – you don’t have time to not do this as it may be the very thing that helps you in the near future, and beyond that, it will have lasting benefit by creating more awareness for the importance of horticulture in your area as well as around the region and country as similar efforts are made by others.

Click here for the draft letter and other messaging resources.
