New varieties to stock your benches in 2025
Looking to stock your benches with innovative new varieties? Look no further than these new introductions.

Dahlia ‘Black Forest Ruby’

Smooth Hydrangea ‘FlowerFull’

Ageratum ‘Monarch Magic’

Canna ‘Cannova Gold Leopard’

‘Beacon Chicago Mixture’

Pentas ‘Graffiti Falls Rose’

Boxwood ‘Bloombux’

Tomato ‘Unicorn Pink’

Concept Plants

Hybrid Impatiens Sol Luna Prime

Belgian Mums Magnus

Agastache ‘Summerlong’

De Vroomen Garden Products

Dahlia ‘Hypnotica Candy Corn’

Ipomoea ‘Sweet Georgia Fine Lime’

Snapdragon ‘DoubleShot Yellow Red Heart’

Dianthus ‘Beauties Kaia’

Crape Myrtle ‘Black Diamondettes Cherry Marquis’

Basil ‘Kitchen Minis Bonsai’

Lavender ‘Anouk Purple Medley’

Delphinium ‘Delgenius Kingsley’

Dianthus ‘Dart’

Thuja ‘Junior Giant’

Japanese Snowbell ‘Starway to Heaven’

Burning Bush ‘Fire Ball Seedless’

Hollywood Hibiscus ‘VIP’

Heliotrope ‘Aromagica Purple’

Impatiens ‘SunPatiens Compact Lavender’

Cyclamen ‘Illusia F1’

Calibrachoa ‘MiniFamous Uno Funtopia’

Hydrangea ‘Sweet Starlight’

Mandevilla ‘Sun Parasol Original XP Bluephoria’

Petunia ‘Dekko Maxx Pink’

Echinacea ‘Priness Bride’

‘Easy Wave Navy Velour’