Dec 12, 2022
Ball Seed Releases Brochure for Garden Retailers

Ball Seed has released the 2023 edition of its combined THRIVE and FLOURISH printed brochure for garden center inspiration and pro landscaper solutions.

Ball Seed Releases Brochure for Garden RetailersWith topics and categories curated by Jeff Gibson, Ball Seed IGC and landscape business manager, the 2023 brochure showcases dozens of new offerings, plus tried-and-true varieties for planting success across North America.

“Garden center business owners and landscape service professionals share a common bond — creating life-long gardening customers and clients,” says Gibson. “Combining these two audiences into one, easy-to-enjoy resources will offer inspiration and build confidence in the new plants hitting the market today.”

Some of the topics and trends covered in the brochure include:

  • Recommendations in perennials to grow your bottom line
  • New and tried-and-true annuals for sun or shade locations
  • Top garden center “must haves” to build customer excitement
  • A fresh list of pollinator-friendly plants
  • Gift and impulse opportunities with dianthus and potted carnations

Also included in this year’s THRIVE/FLOURISH brochure is a “Tips & Ordering Schedule” for landscape growers, as well as a “What To Order When” calendar to help growers work effectively with garden center customers.

Contact your Ball Seed sales representative or Ball ColorLink associate at 800.879.BALL to request your printed copy of the brochure, or explore it online and download digital copies at