Selecta One Ships Lazzeri Poinsettias
Selecta One recently announced it will produce key poinsettia genetics from Italian breeder and young plant supplier Lazzeri Società Agricola S.R.L. Beginning in 2020, and shipping from all three Selecta One production farms, are two whites (Alaska and Alpina) as well as one novelty (Superba New Glitter, shown above). All are new for 2020 retail sales.
“We are excited to partner with Lazzeri to bring these innovative poinsettia genetics to our customers from all three of our proven, reliable production locations,” says Jason Twaddell, sales and marketing manager, Selecta One North America. “The addition of these breakthrough varieties will give our customers the whitest whites and the best glitter novelty available on the market today.”
Contact your Ball Seed sales rep to place your order for Lazzeri poinsettia cuttings from Selecta One, or contact your Root & Sell partner for liners.
For more information about Selecta One and its poinsettia program, visit