July 2022
Snapshots of Spring By Teresa McPherson

Here’s a peek of what spring looked like at four IGCs around the country.

Tour four garden centers without leaving your desk! Here, we take a peek of what spring looked like at four IGCs around the country.

Weston Nurseries

Melissa Frank from Weston Nurseries in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, shared these snapshots.

Mission Hills Nursery & Garden Center

Tiger Palafox from Mission Hills Nursery & Garden Center in San Diego shared these photos.

Tonkadale Greenhouse

Tonkadale Greenhouse’s Jessie Jacobson sent these photos of their Minnetonka, Minnesota, store.

Dothan Nurseries

JD Boone from Dothan Nurseries in Dothan, Alabama, sent in these pics.

Teresa McPherson

Teresa McPherson is the managing editor of Lawn & Garden Retailer. Contact her at [email protected].