City Farmers Nursery Mourns Loss of Founder Bill Tall
After a six-year battle against cancer and liver failure, City Farmers Nursery founder Bill Tall (“Farmer Bill”) passed away at home on Tuesday, Jan. 26.
In 1972, at the age of 16, Bill came down to an undeveloped bit of land at the corner of Home and Euclid Avenues in San Diego, putting in long days for nearly 50 years he built a place unlike any other.
The youngest son of Nathan and Bertha Tall, Bill had from an early age been a tireless advocate for school and community gardens, children’s access to nature, farm animals, and hands-on learning.
Bill was a multi-year president of the California of Nurserymen (CAN). He was a community business advocate, a small business proponent, and the founder of Nate’s Deli (now Nate’s Garden Grill). He did all this, and so much more, from his little bit of the country in the heart of the city.
The nursery will pause business this week, reopening Thursday, Feb. 4, allowing family and staff time together. Sunday curbside pickup will remain open.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the scholarship he established at Southwestern Community College Foundation, Memo: City Farmers, providing educational scholarships to students passionate about a career in horticulture, Bill’s lifelong passion.
To read more about Bill’s journey and the folks who made it possible, visit