Feb 7, 2012
Going Old School To Cool Garden CenterSource: www.myFoxDetroit.com

Saxton’s Garden Center in Plymouth, Mich., has installed a cost effective form of conditioning which will use ice and the melt water from it to keep things cool when the temps eventually rise.

Saxton’s Garden Center in Plymouth, Mich., has installed a cost effective form of conditioning which will use ice and the melt water from it to keep things cool when the temps eventually rise.

“We’re making ice while the getting is good. It’s cold outside, and even in a mild condition we can still make ice,” said Reynold Hendrickson with the StarPak Group.

Saxton’s hired StarPak Group of Ann Arbor to set everything up and eventually hook it up to the existing cooling system, reports Robin Schwartz, WJBK myFOXdetroit.com.

“This is an ancient concept. Everyone’s great grandfather used ice from icehouses that lasted all year. That’s how you got cold milk in Memphis, Tennessee in 1896 in August,” Hendrickson explained.

Schwartz writes once Saxton’s staff returns in Apri, they will hook an ice-packed silo up to the existing air conditioning system. The 12 foot block of ice will reportedly last more than a year.

“We won’t be having to rely so much on fossil fuels and it’s a renewable energy because the water just has to be refrozen and melted again,” said Dave Presley with Saxton’s Garden Center.

To read Schwartz’s entire article on Saxton’s new cooling system, click here.