Allan Armitage Will Keynote International Trials Conference
Dr. Allan Armitage will headline a distinguished list of industry experts at the 2015 International Trials Conference, held in conjunction with the 2015 Farwest Show in Portland, Oregon. His keynote, “The Importance of Being Honest”, will be delivered Tuesday, Aug. 25, and looks at the benefits, challenges and potential for improved plant trialing and the implications therein for end users – landscapers, designers and gardeners.
Later in the day, Armitage will co-facilitate a breakout session with Diane Blazek, executive director, All-America Selections/National Garden Bureau on aspects of setting plant standards. The International Trials Conference convenes Monday, Aug. 24 and ends on Thursday, Aug. 27.
It dovetails into the 2015 Farwest Show, scheduled for Aug. 27-29. The conference is open to all industry professionals who have interest in plant trialing. Registration is required.
A complete list of schedules, speakers and topics is available at