New varieties for 2024
Plant breeders share their new varieties of innovative introductions ready for your retail benches in 2024.
Hydrangea ‘Tuff Stuff Top Fun’
Hydrangea serrata ‘Tuff Stuff Top Fun’ is a continuously flowering mountain hydrangea with improved reblooming, a wide hardiness zone (Zones 4 to 9), and a tidy 2- to 3-foot habit.
Proven Winners ColorChoice
Begonia ‘Big White Bronze Leaf’
A breakthrough White Bronze Leaf addition to the iconic Big begonia series, this is the first in interspecific breeding. With impressive contrast between white flowers and dark leaves, it has extraordinary flower power and uniform plant habit.
Lantana ‘PassionFruit’
Perfect for hanging baskets, no other lantana trails like new ‘PassionFruit’. It’s heat loving, drought tolerant and covered with long-lasting blooms in tropical colors.
Ball FloraPlant
Columnar Apples
Easy to grow and care for, Fruit Snacks columnar apples are ideal for small spaces. Fruits are bright red with a delicious, sweet, juicy flavor.
Plants Nouveau
Hydrangea ‘Eclipse’
Bigleaf hydrangea ‘Eclipse’ is the first true dark-leaf Hydrangea macrophylla on the market, with intense, dark purple foliage that holds its color, even in warm climates.
First Editions Shrubs & Trees
Echinacea ‘Double Scoop Watermelon Deluxe’
Improved double-flowered echinacea for better branching and higher flower count, this echinacea makes a big statement in gardens with vibrant color. Reliable first-year flowering. Hardy in Zones 4a to 9b.
Darwin Perennials
Anemone ‘Puff Pink’
‘Puff Pink’ showcases an exceptional growth habit with a stunning display of pom-pom flowers supported by stems long enough for cutting. New flowers open a rich rose color and progress to an antique silver pink — a brilliant addition to flower beds and borders.
Terra Nova Nurseries
Calibrachoa ‘Calitastic Cappuccino’
Warm, dulcet colors attract the eye, but the performance in the garden will make it stand out.
Leucanthemum ‘Whisker White’
The first ever daylength-neutral crazy daisy makes programmable crop scheduling simple. ‘Whisker White’ will bloom 4- to 5-inch-sized blossoms simply based on temperature as zero cooling hours are required.
Green Fuse Botanicals
Petchoa ‘Caliburst Yellow’
‘Caliburst Yellow’ combines the power of petunias with cool calibrachoa colors. The first petchoa from seed, its vibrant color looks exceptional in early-season combos and baskets.
PanAmerican Seed
Hibiscus ‘Summerific All Eyes on Me’
Despite its scaled-down size, ‘All Eyes on Me’ keeps the trademark massive 8-inch blooms the plant has become known for. This hibiscus has blushing pink blooms.
Walters Gardens
Belgian Mum
‘Penera Red’ and ‘Penera Purple’ are new to the vivid red and purple family from Gediflora. Mums for late September sales, with very long shelf life and Belgian mum habit.
Geranium ‘Big Eeze Pink Batik’
Geranium interspecific ‘Big Ezee Pink Batik’ — a National AAS Container Trials winner — has the heat tolerance of an ivy, classic look of a zonal and super-sized blooms.
Dümmen Orange
Petunia ‘SweetSunshine Magenta Sky’
The first-ever double Sky petunia. Excellent for colorful hanging baskets. The plants are well-branched and durable, holding up in all summer weather conditions.
Selecta One
Crape Myrtle ‘Crimson Crown Black Diamond’
Flawless black foliage and masses of brilliant red jewel-toned blooms from summer until the first frost.
J. Berry Nursery
Agapanthus ‘Bridal Veil’
‘Bridal Veil’ packs loads of bright, beautiful blooms in a compact habit perfect for mass planting or in containers. White flowers sit atop strong stems that reach only about a foot high. A perennial in Zones 7 to 11; an annual in cooler climates.
Zinnia Belize Double Series
Zinnia Belize Double is an interspecific type, floriferous, naturally compact with a branching habit, excellent heat tolerance. Available in Orange, Rose, Scarlet, White, Yellow and Formula Mix.
American Takii
Hydrangea ‘Grin and Tonic’
This elegant, class-setting rebloomer is excitingly refreshing, with bright lime flowers aging to pure white against rich, glossy foliage. Features improved sun and heat tolerance.
Bloomin’ Easy
Calibrachoa ‘Lia Abstract Lemon Cherry’
‘Lia Abstract Lemon Cherry’ is covered with brilliant, golden yellow flowers that sparkle with a striking splash of cherry. This medium-vigor calibrachoa is the perfect addition to hanging baskets and combinations.
Alstroemeria ‘Inticancha Sunstar’
Inticancha are easy-to-maintain patio alstroemerias flowering spring to fall. Sunstar has exquisite, large, purple flowers — a new garden delight.
Rose ‘Knock Out Orange Glow’
Orange Glow has luminous orange flowers that bloom repeatedly from spring to frost. Its incredible rust resistance makes it a top-performer in every climate and a standout on the West Coast.
Star Roses and Plants
Mandevilla ‘Sun Parasol Giant Peach Sunrise’
‘Sun Parasol Giant Peach Sunrise’ produces gorgeous peach blooms that lighten with age. Throats are golden yellow with a red-orange ring. Perfect for trellises.
Suntory Flowers
Gerbera Joybera Series
Eight colors are available in the new gerbera Joybera Series, developed with flower count, usability and uniformity as a focus. The plant typically provides three flowers immediately from the first flowering. Outstanding shelf life.
Schoneveld Breeding
Petunia ’Painted Love’
This unique bicolor flower pattern presents a dramatic new look in the garden, planted alone or in combinations.
Syngenta Flowers
Delosperma ‘Desert Dancers Red’
‘Desert Dancers Red’ is an innovative line with pink-purple foliage with Red or Purple flowers. Heat and drought resistant. Hardy to Zone 6.
Concept Plants
Jamesbrittenia ‘Safari Dusk’
‘Safari Dusk’ is a color expansion for the series, bearing glitzy purple blooms with a gold eye on mounded to trailing stems. Ideal for hanging baskets and containers.
Proven Winners
‘SuperCal Premium Red Maple’
‘SuperCal Premium Red Maple’ has large, iridescent flowers that range in color from scarlet to an orange glow, and a well-branched, mounding plant habit. Red Maple has exceptional weather tolerance, making it an excellent choice for a season extender.
Sakata Ornamentals
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