What’s Next For Christmas?
What’s Next For Christmas? By Ralph Gaudio

Every year retailers search for the latest “hot” item — that one product that will fly off the shelves. Your buying team needs to decide where to spend the bulk of your budget while at the same time deciding what to take a chance on and, ultimately, what to buy heavy. At G Boys, we have found that sticking with your staples and implementing the latest technology for that particular line will keep the customers coming in and the product going out.

In this article, we will look at some staple items that should remain in demand for 2007. It is up to a sharp purchasing agent to recognize this stability and capitalize on the latest technological advances.


Everyone has an opinion when it comes to artificial tree dollars. It seems the budget-conscious, mature consumer is downsizing, and the affluent, upwardly mobile consumer is moving up. Therefore, it is creating a chasm in artificial tree dollars.

While slim trees are becoming more popular, there is still a great demand for the larger 9-, 12- and 14-ft. artificial trees. We dedicate 30 percent of our dollars to slim trees. The remainder is medium- and full-sized trees. We have found as long as your trees are quality and prelit, you should have no problems. As for lighting, clear lights are outselling multi-colored lit trees 3-to-1.

In the past few years, there are two new types of technology you must have on your trees: “Constant On” lights and “Just Cut” branches. The “Just Cut” branches use a rubber needle that provides both stability and realism that is unparalleled in the industry. It is a “must have” to differentiate your goods from the mass merchant.


Outdoor lighting technology has changed considerably in recent years. “Constant On” miniature lights are dominating the shelves. The new technology allows bulbs to burn out, fall out or become loose without rendering the set unusable. On a 50-light set, 49 bulbs can be removed and #50 would remain lit. Many tree manufacturers are going to “Constant On” lights. This should eliminate most lighting callbacks from irate customers and dissatisfied return customers.

Animated Figurines

A great portion of the holiday deals with traditions and nostalgia. For years, we sold 18- to 24-inch animated dolls — from Southern Belles, Mr. and Mrs. Clause, and snowmen to choir children, adult figurines and angels. The companies manufacturing these products for years slowly died off.

When meeting with one of our life-long suppliers, he asked what we were missing. I asked him if he could produce the dolls and have them retail for less than $100. He did so, and, validating our expectations, we sold a good number. I advertised this product heavily and reordered several times. This example of a staple of years gone by is an important one. If there was a product you sold extremely well and it has disappeared from the marketplace, talk to your vendors see if it can be manufactured again.

Fiber Optics And Inflatables

Items that have been staples for the last couple of seasons continue to make major improvements. Fiber optics and inflatables come immediately to mind. Fiber optic tabletop items increase in sales and styles each year. As for inflatables, they now are available animated, talking, snowing and rotating. To do justice to both these items, you must properly display them. Get your inflatables out of the box and working. Provide a dimly lit room for your fiber optic pieces. As simple as it sounds, the consumer cannot always visualize and sometimes needs a little nudge to get their decorating juices flowing.

Custom Bows

Custom bows are niche items with a great margin. Our design staff attaches these bows to wreaths, treetops, swags and garland. Our staff makes hundreds of bows, places them in dump bins and calls them “Bows to Go.” Consumers can easily pick one of these bows or have a custom-made bow to match their homes. The ribbon cost is nominal, and bow making is not very labor intensive. Considering these two factors, the dollars spent in this category allow for a high return.

There is a lot to be said for stability in all aspects of life. Even though technology changes dramatically every year, we as retailers do not have to reinvent the wheel but just continue to improve upon it. Keeping up with the changes in your budget-usurping items will enable you to keep your business in the forefront of the industry. Most importantly, it will keep your business in the forefront of the consumers’ buying conscience.

Ralph Gaudio

Ralph Gaudio is president and chief executive officer of G Boys Garden, Christmas & Patio Center, Marlton, N.J. He can be reached at (856) 983-3300.