May 2018

Through the Trees

Customer service is key. We hear it all the time, and you probably drill it into your employees on a daily basis. On a recent trip to Costa Rica, I, however saw firsthand that it’s more ab... more

Mad Skills with Merchandise

I recently left my house to go on what I like to call a “photo safari” for the day. I have a certain number of locations that I frequent, and they change enough that I can get photos to ... more

All About the Neighbors

Swansons Nursery in Seattle, Washington, shares everything from recovering after a fire to a marketing campaign that gained national attention to a community-focused philosophy.

Beyond Tomatoes: What’s Trending in Home Grown?

Keep up with your customers by anticipating what they’ll be wanting to grow next and recommending the right varieties and tools to ensure success.

Practical Organic Gardening in Retail

Many consumers are turning to organic products to grow their own edibles and even ornamentals. Is your garden center taking advantage of this trend?

Making Social Media Work for Your Business

These 10 tips will maximize your store’s Facebook page and reach your customers.

Invest Your Resources Wisely

There are a few things that you, your business and your customers never have enough of ... time, money and energy. There’s a limited supply of each of these, and we often don’t consider... more


Barlow’s in Sea Girt, New Jersey, hosted its first farm-to-table dinner in the greenhouse in February. Marketing coordinator Kayla Adamson talked with Lawn & Garden Retailer about the sell-out event and what they learned as they plan a second dinner this summer.

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