Hillside Planter Offers Solution for Planting on Inclines

Mar 24, 2021
Hillside Planter Offers Solution for Planting on Inclines

Soil erosion, water runoff and mudslides are serious problems and the land found on steep inclines is frequently unplantable. This was the situation of Colleen Talbert, a gardener in Thousand Oaks, California. She checked with a number of industry professionals and their recommendations were to install a series of retaining walls or terraces into the hillside — a large, expensive project that Colleen didn’t want to face.  So she solved the problem by developing and patenting the Hillside Planter.

Hillside Planters literally terrace the plants and not the hill. The planters are available in small quantities for home gardeners or larger ones for commercial landscapers, municipalities, or other government departments. They reportedly install quickly and can handle a wide variety of plant sizes, from the smallest ones up to 5 gallons. The planters can be used to promote strong plant growth and to reduce erosion and secure soil stabilization. Once in place, they allow water to reach plant’s roots, while reducing both runoff and watering costs.

The planters can be a solution for growing vegetables or other plants on otherwise unusable land, or quickly reestablishing vegetation on burned-out areas.  They can be used for reforestation and habitat improvement. Made in the USA.

For more information, visit www.HillsidePlanter.com or email Hillside [email protected]