NGB Adds Houseplants to ‘Year of’ Program, Announces ’22 Classes
National Garden Bureau, the non-profit organization promoting gardening in North America on behalf of the horticulture industry and its members, has added a new category to its popular and inspiring Year of program.
The new category is: HOUSEPLANTS!
For 2022, the houseplant class will be Peperomia.
Houseplant sales were booming before the COVID pandemic and they are in even greater demand now. More home offices have driven the need for more houseplants!
With National Garden Bureau’s expanding member base and more members offering houseplants, it’s natural to add this category to the long-established “Year of” program.
The other five categories are: Bulbs, Annuals, Edibles, Perennials and Flowering Shrubs.
In order to aid breeders, growers and retailers in their crop planning, NGB is announcing the other classes for 2022 at this time as well.
They are:
- Annual — Verbena
- Bulb — Gladiolus
- Edible— Salad Greens
- Flowering Shrub — Lilac
- Perennial — Phlox
The “Year of the” program chooses crops specifically for the North American market that are easy to grow, genetically diverse, and with a lot of new breeding to showcase. Breeders, brokers, seed companies, growers and garden centers throughout the U.S. and Canada are urged to use this program as part of their marketing efforts.
Garden writer publicity for the 2022 Year of crops will begin in August 2021.
Consumer publicity for the 2022 Year of crops will begin in January 2022.
For more information about this program and/or membership in National Garden Bureau, please contact Diane Blazek.