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Dec 19, 2023
AmericanHort releases 2023 State of the Industry white paper

AmericanHort has released its State of the Industry White Paper, with insight on key issues likely to affect the green industry in 2024.

The AmericanHort senior leadership team and member partner Pinion provide a comprehensive look at research, trends and policies from 2023 to help you anticipate changes that may affect your business in 2024, including:

  • Economic outlook and potential for recession
  • Projected input cost increases
  • Changing consumer buying trends
  • Expected housing demands through 2030
  • Upcoming legislation in an election year
  • Tax implications from a new administration

The report is presented by Ken Fisher, president and chief executive officer; Charlie Hall, Ph.D., chief economist; Matt Mika, vice president of advocacy and government affairs; Craig Regelbrugge, executive vice president of advocacy, research and industry relations; and Brian Kuehl, principal at Pinion.