Café Bird Feeder
The Arundale Sky Café Bird Feeder is the finest squirrel-proof bird feeder on the market. Squirrels slide off the dome every time, and they do keep trying, again and again. Cardinals, chickadees, tufted titmice, woodpeckers and many other songbirds gather on this circular, full-view patio. The 17-inch diameter dome protects seed from rain and snow. Customers are very loyal to this feeder, buying one for themselves and then as gifts. Its large-capacity, 1 1/2-inch gallon bucket means fewer trips to refill. Clear-view, easy-flow seed dispensing means birds peck at a seed, and it falls out in front of them onto the tray for easy dining. The durable plexiglass lasts for years and years. It’s available in Green, Red, Blue or Orange Dome and is made in the U.S. from 100 percent recycled plexiglass.
from Arundale ProductsWebsite • 314.652.1220