New Summerlong Agastache

Mar 22, 2024
California Spring Trials Day 3 retail inspiration

A Floral Playground

Selecta One
Selecta One makes merchandising calibrachoa as easy as child’s play.

Ready to Cook

PanAmerican Seed
The Kitchen Minis display at PanAmerican Seed makes it clear that these veggies are best grown indoors.

Early-Season Blooms

Pacific Plug and Liners’ new POP for retail bids goodbye to winter and hello to early spring gardening with hellebores.

An Interactive Hike

Pacific Plug & Liner had an amazing theme with everyone dressed as park rangers at Pacific Plug & Liner National Park guiding us through hiking trails.

Feature photo at topA hummingbird spotted on the new Summerlong agastache from Darwin Perennials showcases how the plant is a hummingbird magnet.