Mar 11, 2022
Gardening Motivations of U.S. Plant Purchasers COVID Pandemic Study Released

Many horticultural companies reported favorable sales in 2020 despite government-mandated restrictions to quarantine-in-place, according to researchers Bridget K. Behe, Patricia T. Huddleston, and Charles R. Hall. Understanding what drove consumers to make plant purchases can help producers, wholesalers, and retailers learn more about behavioral drivers and use that information in future marketing programs.

The researchers compared three age cohorts to understand which plant benefits they derived from their plant purchases. Of these benefits (economic, environmental, health/wellbeing, and social).

Millennials obtained the most from social benefits, but these social benefits were derived during the pandemic isolation, so the benefit was most likely nearly all online. For horticultural businesses, this finding points to the increasing importance of using social media to connect with consumers.

Boredom proneness was experienced more by Gen Z and retailers may seek to utilize messages that promote a change of pace by encouraging consumers to try a new plant to alleviate boredom.

Food security was another motivational factor in plant purchases, with individuals who purchased herbs or food-producing plants experiencing greater food security compared to individuals who purchased only flowering plants or no plants.

Find the complete study here.
