Have you ever seen the ad for the U.S. Army that goes something like this "Pain is just weakness trying to escape your body"? Or how about this familiar, old slogan seen in countless...
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At Max and Hildy's, Hillsboro, Ore., we merchandise our pottery very differently than many garden centers. The primary difference is in our basic attitude toward what pottery is and where it should be placed in...
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As with anything new or unknown, there are a couple of myths about water gardening that always seem to come up when customers are deciding whether or not to buy or install a water garden...
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It's recognizing what you don't know that will help you survive and profit in challenging and uncertain business conditions and climates and then doing something about it. Let me explain where I'm coming from....
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Signage is one of the most important things a garden center should have. It displays direction, instruction, promotion and more. However, constantly printing new or updated signs can get fairly expensive. With all the hassles...
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Good news -- spring is here! Customers are in the stores buying bedding plants, nursery stock and all the accoutrements of our glorious lawn and garden category. Gosh, we feel great. Danger Will Robinson Danger!...
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ANLA's annual Management Clinic brought nearly 800 green industry owners and managers to Louisville, Ky., January 22-25. The Management Clinic is dedicated to developing the business skills of those professionals in garden retail, landscape contracting,...
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We're all familiar with customers who bring in baggies filled with diseased and/or insect-infested leaves, asking plaintively, "What's wrong with my plants?" We make every effort to staff our retail store with people who are...
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Did you notice that poinsettia sales dwindled a little for the 2003 Christmas season? Well, here are some of the newest poinsettia cultivars trailed in the 2003 National Poinsettia Trials. They are sure to add...
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Bright colors, decorative art, colored glass and rustic accents are some of the hottest trends I have seen within the last year. But what about adding metal products to that list? Metal is everywhere, but...
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With so many events and shows to visit and with so little time to spare, it is important to have a well-organized and updated schedule of the events throughout the year. After all, trade shows...
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Those of you in the South, where spring is already starting, are probably looking at your benches full of geraniums and wondering what I could possibly be talking about. The crop looks fine, the order...
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