The more you know about your customers, the better you can connect with them and understand their needs. There are some publicly available characteristics about people in your market area (income, home value, education) that...
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Hopefully, one of your resolutions is to stay abreast of the happenings within the industry. There's no better way to stay on top of the new varieties than to visit the California Pack Trials. This...
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Last month's article laid some foundation on the basics of branding. In that article, we defined branding, compared it to product promotions and outlined some key elements of what works and what doesn't when branding...
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Richard Paxton's book The Hot Zone proved that virtually any organism on earth is within a jet ride from our own front door. Be it the invisible Ebola Virus, Mediterranean fruit fly or Russian tumbleweeds,...
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There's a new book out that offers independent garden centers a real ray of hope for 2004, provided they truly understand the consumer dynamics that are building and then make the conscious decision to take...
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Today's nursery stock buyer needs to be concerned with more than just finding the right grower, the right price and the right plants. Sure, quality still counts, but if you want to enter the world...
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No matter what you do for your customers, there are always those who are cranky and demanding, believing that silly phrase, "the customer is always right." They even try to throw that phrase in when...
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Say the word "branding" to any group of L&G executives, and you are likely to get some sighs, rolled eyes and under-the-breath utterances of "Here we go again." In addition to being oft maligned, it...
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After being on break for several months, I had too many things on my mind to focus on one topic, so I decided on a little bit of everything for this month's column. Resolutions I...
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The fate of your garden décor inventory may rest on how much you adhere to those familiar lyrics by The Byrds: "To every thing, turn, turn, turn. There is a season, turn, turn, turn." Retailer...
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Just as important as opening your eyes to the image your business creates is focusing on who your customer is. You can be making great impressions, but if the wrong audience is noticing, it won't...
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Over the last 10 years, garden centers have become more sophisticated in their approach to selling, merchandising and displaying in many areas of the store. We build new greenhouses for annuals and perennials, new stores...
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