It is here again the California Pack Trials. If you've gone before, you know how beneficial it is. If you haven't gone, oh, let me tell you... this trip is one you won't forget,...
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Although traditionally considered an exercise for larger companies, business plans today are strategic tools not only for obtaining financing, but for forming alliances, recruiting key employees and managing external relationships for any size company. It...
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To provide the most beneficial information to help develop or keep your gift section fresh and specialty oriented, we asked the sponsors/managers of the gift shows here in the states to provide the five Ws...
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Advising customers about the correct pesticide is not always a simple task. The large selection offered to homeowners today can be confusing, and they often look to garden centers for answers. If your employees do...
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I know what you're probably thinking: "Here's this editor telling me to give, give, give that it's the right thing to do, that it will make me feel good about myself, that in the...
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Discipline is an unpleasant responsibility. Parents, teachers, coaches and employers are likely to agree. Doing it poorly only compounds the unpleasantness. Doing it well, however, reduces employer frustration, increases employee morale, makes the firing of...
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Was it the good, the bad or the ugly for the 2004 Christmas season? After talking to a number of retailers in the industry, my official position is that it was not really good, bad...
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Holiday and gift trade shows are loaded with many unique, keystone items that will present the opportunity for your organization to make a profit, increase turns and preserve your image as "the push the envelope"...
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UCCnet, collaborative planning forecasting and replenishment, radio frequency identification, EPC, global data synchronization and the like. What is all of this? And how will it affect your business?Major changes are underway in the retail industry...
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This industry is now worth over $40 billion in annual revenue, and gardening has become America's number-one outdoor leisure activity. All major network morning shows have gardening segments, there's a separate rack for gardening magazines...
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Even with a magical crystal ball most people think predicting what will happen in the future is more entertainment than science. I disagree. We may not be able to know details with 100-percent accuracy, but...
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Duplicate article numbers were employed for this article and Industry Leader Forecast. Please click on the link to the right to go to that article. Thanks. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of the people...
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